
As your child grows, your focus as parents is on securing the best future for them. This is especially important in the matter of their education. With tertiary education, where they study can become a fining part of their lives. Here are some things to keep in mind should you send your child to study overseas.

Early planning is key

As studying overseas is a big move for both parents and child, it’s essential to start planning as early as possible. Most parents choose where their child will study based on the education system they prefer. It is also recommended to look for an education system that is similar to the one your child is currently studying under. In that way, there is less of a learning curve when they move to university.

Do plenty of research

As with any big decision, research is key to ensuring success. It’s important to do research not only on the program your child will enroll in, but also the country, university and location. All these can help you determine your costs. 

After determining the location, it is a good idea to look into owning a property there. While renting is always an option, owning a property provides a stable base for studying and living, especially if your child decides to live and work in the country they studied in. Alternatively, should they decide otherwise, the property can be rented out for extra income and establishes a legacy asset in a foerign currency. If you are interested in buying a property overseas, CIMB offers an Overseas Mortgage Loan.


With our Overseas Mortgage Financing loan, you enjoy the convenience of purchasing a house in selected areas of London and Australia with ease. You no longer need to worry about the hassle of applying for a Home Loan from an overseas bank. It is a Malaysian Ringgit denominated loan, so you can service loan instalments in MYR without worrying about exchange rate fluctuations.

Diversify your financing

With your child studying and living overseas, you could look at Foreign Currency Denominated Bonds that matches the currency used at the overseas destination for future use. It provides semi-annual coupon to build a portfolio for passive income that could potentially supplement the child’s living expenses, education fees or prospective medical costs.


There is growing demand for foreign currencies in Malaysia that is for parents to send their children overseas for education, invest in foreign assets such as properties or equities. Dual Currency Investment is a structured product suitable for people who have a need for foreign currency instead of converting

their cash at the money changer. Customers can pick a pair of currencies – a base currency (i.e. Malaysian Ringgit) and an alternate currency and decide on a strike level for a specified yield/return rate.

Children Education Insurance

There are several options to consider when financing your child’s education overseas. Child education policies are specifically designed to help you save for your child’s education. Endowment plan, such as CIMB’s Sun EduSmart, resemble savings with insurance benefits so you can save for your child’s education while enjoying the assurance of protection of your child should anything happen. 


Sending your child to study overseas is a big change for everyone. However, there are many ways to ensure that they enjoy a great experience while living and studying overseas. With early planning and diversified financing, you can ensure the best for your child’s future. Should you have any questions, you can always reach out to any of our Relationship Managers. 


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